wooden house Jelovica Slovenia Leska

Prezzi Case in Legno

Qual’è il costo di una casa prefabbricata in legno (da un produttore estero)?

L’acquisto di una casa rappresenta un passo fondamentale nella vita che richiede attenta riflessione. Quando si tratta di scegliere che tipo di abitazione si desidera, è essenziale esaminare attentamente tutte le opzioni disponibili. Senza dubbio, negli ultimi anni un numero sempre maggiore di persone hanno optato per una casa prefabbricate in legno, facendone riscoprire pregi estetici e vantaggi economici.

Ma la domanda viene spontanea: ‘quanto costa una casa prefabbricata in legno?’ Ebbene, andiamo a spiegare brevemente ciò che definisce un il prezzo di una casa in legno e perché può essere più o meno paragonato a quello delle abitazioni muratura ma con più vantaggi. 


Quali sono i vantaggi di una casa prefabbricata in legno?

Una casa prefabbricata in legno offre numerosi vantaggi rispetto costruzione tradizionale. Innanzitutto, garantisce maggiore efficienza energetica e minori costi di consumo grazie all’ottimo isolamento termico e acustico del legno. Questo si traduce in un comfort abitativo superiore e un consumo di energia per il riscaldamento e la climatizzazione fino al 60-70% inferiore rispetto a una casa tradizionale. Inoltre, la costruzione di una casa prefabbricata è più rapida, richiedendo solo alcuni giorni per l’assemblaggio sul sito, mentre una costruzione in muratura può richiedere molti mesi o anni. Dal punto di vista economico, la casa prefabbricata offre alcuni vantaggi. La produzione avviene in una catena di produzione interna, il che garantisce costi fissi noti e preventivi rispettati, evitando sorprese di costi aggiuntivi come spesso accade nelle costruzioni tradizionali. Inoltre, si riducono i costi di risorse come elettricità, acqua e carburante utilizzati durante la costruzione, così come il costo della manodopera.

Le tecniche, i servizi, l’autorevolezza del produttore incidono molto sui costi di una casa in legno, ed è per questo che ti consigliamo di prendere il tempo necessario per valutare le proposte di più fornitori, che siano essi piccoli o grandi, locali o esteri. 

Esempio di facciata mista di una casa in legno prefabbricata con ampie vetrate.

Benefici Estetici:

I tetti a vista nelle case in legno non sono solo una scelta funzionale ma anche esteticamente affascinante. Le travi e le perline a vista aggiungono carattere e calore all’architettura di una casa in legno, creando uno spazio accogliente e invitante. Questi tetti diventano spesso il punto focale di una casa, suscitando ammirazione e apprezzamento.

Differenza di Costo:

La differenza di prezzo tra un tetto a vista e un tetto normale è dovuta alla combinazione di materiali di alta qualità e all’artigianalità superiore richiesta per realizzarli. Tuttavia, è importante notare che questa differenza di costo è un investimento nell’estetica, nella durata e nel valore a lungo termine della vostra casa in legno.

lesena hiša slovenija

Quali sono i paesi che offrono il miglior servizio in termini di qualità-prezzo?

Di norma, i produttori stranieri di case prefabbricate in legno collaborano con aziende italiane per la parte di vendita e installazione al fine di ridurre i costi legati ai viaggi e al trasporto. Perciò, la scelta ideale per un cliente è trovare una località in cui la manodopera sia più economica e i costi di trasporto inferiori. Queste sono caratteristiche fondamentali da ricercare per individuare una valida alternativa alle aziende italiane. Notoriamente, i mercati più attraenti per le case in legno includono: Austria, Germania, Romania, Slovenia, Estonia e Scandinavia.  

Affidarsi a un produttore estero è davvero più conveniente rispetto che a uno italiano?

Dipende. Come abbiamo già spiegato, i fattori che determinano il prezzo di una casa in legno sono molteplici, quindi a seconda della provenienza della materia prima e del costo del lavoro, affidarsi a un produttore estero può rivelarsi la scelta giusta. Nel caso dei produttori sloveni, possiamo affermare che i prezzi di una casa prefabbricata in legno siano inferiori di circa il 10-20% rispetto a quelli dei principali produttori italiani. Perciò, se un produttore di case prefabbricate mantiene gli stessi standard qualitativi di un concorrente italiano, le differenze di prezzo sono minime, il che è perfettamente comprensibile, dato che entrambi utilizzano materiali certificati di origine europea, ma la chiave sta nei margini di profitto e nei costi del lavoro. Si stima che i produttori mantengano un margine tra il 5% e il 15%, cifra che non varia significativamente tra fornitori locali e internazionali. I costi della manodopera, per esempio, sono inferiori in Slovenia rispetto a quelli in Italia. Con ciò è possibile ottenere gli stessi margini di profitto di un produttore italiano, ma godere di un prezzo inferiore all’acquisto.

Per questo motivo il mercato italiano sta accogliendo positivamente la concorrenza proveniente da paesi dell’Europa orientale, dove la tradizione delle costruzioni in legno è più consolidata e i prezzi concorrenziali.

Come scegliere il giusto produttore di case in legno?

Ricorda, scegliere il giusto team di persone è un passo fondamentale, saranno loro ad accompagnarti verso la tua nuova casa, dunque pretendi il meglio e sentiti sicuro nella tua scelta. Non avere fretta, prendi tutte le informazioni necessarie, leggi le recensioni sui siti web dedicati all’argomento, inforamati sulle riviste di settore. Individua le migliori ditte, organizza visite per assistere al processo di montaggio di alcune di queste, entra in contatto con i proprietari (spesso i costruttori hanno una lista di clienti che consentono di visitare la propria casa) e chiedi loro di condividere le loro esperienze e raccomandazioni. Non aver paura di fare domande, tante domande. Tu sei il cliente, tu stai per comparare una nuova casa. Investi nel tuo futuro con serenità.

Noi possiamo parlare solo per ciò che ci riguarda, dunque lascia che ti dica velocemente qualcosa di noi. 

Jelovica è da sempre uno dei fiori all’occhiello nel mondo delle costruzioni prefabbricate in legno, con oltre 80 anni di esperienza e centinaia costruzioni consegnate in tutto il mondo. Nel corso degli anni, abbiamo partecipato attivamente alla progettazione e alla realizzazione di una vasta gamma di progetti, compresi complessi residenziali plurifamiliari, condomini e grandi strutture. La nostra esperienza e know-how ci consentono di affrontare con successo qualsiasi tipo di costruzione, soddisfacendo le esigenze più diverse.

Se stai sognando una nuova casa su misura per te, siamo qui per realizzare il tuo sogno! Continua a leggere QUI scoprire il mondo della casa prefabbricate in legno di Jelovica.


Contattaci oggi stesso e iniziamo a lavorare insieme per costruire la casa dei tuoi sogni.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

tetto a vista jelovica3

How much does a roof with exposed beams cost?


In the world of Italian architecture, there is a tradition that has spanned centuries and continues to capture the imagination of those who love authentic beauty and craftsmanship. We are talking about exposed timber beamed roofs and ceilings, a distinctive element that gives an aura of elegance and warmth to any wooden home. In this article, we will explore the price difference between an exposed beam roof and a normal roof, as well as the reasons why exposed beamed roofs are so admired.

tetto a vista jelovica

High Quality Wood:

The key to understanding the price difference between an exposed roof and a normal roof lies in the quality of the materials used. For exposed roofs, high-quality wood is used, often laminated, which has superior strength and intrinsic beauty. These woods are carefully selected to ensure maximum durability and resistance to weathering.

Excellent craftsmanship:

Another aspect that plays a crucial role in the price difference is craftsmanship. The exposed ceiling beams are carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen who showcase their talent in creating unique structures. Every piece of wood is precisely beveled and lacquered twice at the factory, giving them an impeccable finish and long-lasting protection.

tetto a vista jelovica1

Aesthetic Benefits:

The exposed roofs in wooden houses are not only a functional choice but also aesthetically appealing. The exposed beams and beads add character and warmth to the architecture of a wooden house, creating a welcoming and inviting space. These roofs often become the focal point of a home, arousing admiration and appreciation.

tetto a vista jelovica4

Difference in cost:

The price difference between an exposed roof and a normal roof is due to the combination of high-quality materials and the superior craftsmanship required to make them. However, it is important to note that this cost difference is an investment in the aesthetics, durability, and long-term value of your home.

The price of a normal ventilated wooden roof (under closed with plasterboard, beams hidden in the roof) comes from 190 to 240 euros/sqm. The exposed roof instead as you can see in the photos above has extra prices compared to the normal roof ranging from 80 to 100 euros/sqm for beams, beading, and laying. Prices vary greatly from the width of the interior rooms, the height of the section of the pontoons, and the location of the house. For example, if we have a wooden house of 150 sqm at these prices the additional cost to have an exposed roof can range from €12,000 to €15,000. Another thing to consider is the possible ventilation of the roof, which we give as standard.

In conclusion, the roofs with exposed beams and beadings for wooden houses are an excellence of Italian architecture. Their intrinsic beauty and the quality of the materials used make them a popular choice for those looking for a wooden house with a touch of authentic elegance. If you are looking for a wooden house that stands out for its style and durability, look no further than the exposed roof. The price difference is an investment in your home and its future.

For more information on wooden houses and exposed roofs in wooden houses, please contact us.

We are experts in creating architectural works of art that last a lifetime.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

fertighaus Jelovica Slowenien 1

The key principles for designing terraces in new wooden houses?


Designing an open space house with large terraces offers a unique opportunity to perfectly blend the interior and exterior life. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when planning such a project:

Orientation and Views: Take advantage of the surrounding landscape or urban scenery by orienting the open space and terraces to maximize the desired views. Consider the position of the sun during the day to ensure optimal natural lighting and shade.


Layout and Flow: Plan layout to create a smooth flow between indoor and outdoor spaces. Position the main living areas, such as the kitchen, the dining area, and the living room, so as to allow easy access and connection to the terraces. Consider using large sliding or folding doors to create a seamless transition.

Terraces as extensions of living areas: Treat terraces as an extension of your indoor living areas. Choose materials and finishes that create a coherent design between indoor and outdoor spaces. Consider using similar flooring materials, colors, and furniture styles to create a unified look.

Terrace area: divide the terrace into different zones according to the intended use. This can include areas for dining, relaxing, gardening, or even an outdoor kitchen. Define each zone using furniture, landscapes, or visual cues to create distinct spaces while maintaining a consistent design.


Outdoor seating and dining room: incorporates comfortable outdoor seating and dining areas on the terrace. Consider options such as outdoor sofas, deck chairs, dining tables, and umbrellas. Use the outdoor sofas to provide a comfortable and inviting outdoor living experience. Choose weather-resistant furniture materials to withstand outdoor conditions.

Green and landscape: integrates green and landscape into the design of the terrace to create a lush and inviting outdoor space. Use potted plants, vertical gardens or even a small flowerbed to bring nature closer to your living area. Incorporate natural elements that complete the overall aesthetics of the design.

Privacy and shading: assess the need for privacy and shading on the terrace. Depending on your location and surrounding environment, you may need to incorporate features such as privacy screens, pergolas, or retractable sun blinds. These elements provide privacy from nearby properties and shade during the hot season.

Outdoor services: consider the inclusion of additional outdoor services to enhance the functionality and enjoyment of terraces. This could include features such as an outdoor fireplace or brazier, a barbecue area, a hot tub, or a swimming pool, depending on your preference and available space.

Lighting: pay attention to outdoor lighting to create a pleasant atmosphere during the evening and at night. Use a combination of functional and decorative lighting, such as wall fixtures, string lights, and spotlights, to highlight architectural features and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.


Sustainable design: incorporate elements of sustainable design into your open space home with large terraces. This may include features such as rainwater harvesting, solar panels for outdoor lighting or irrigation systems, and the use of locally sourced materials for construction and landscaping. Wooden boxes always offer a concept of sustainability, which is not present in brick boxes.

asilo open space


Remember to check local building regulations and regulations regarding the construction and use of terraces. The advice of an experienced architect, designer, and even a construction company in outdoor living spaces can provide valuable insights and ensure that your open space home with large terraces is functional, beautiful, and in line with your vision. In Jelovca we harmonize open-space architectural designs with wood system solutions for green buildings.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Horvatin

What is Sismabonus 2023

News from Italy: Sismabonus 2023

The “sismabonus” is an initiative introduced in Italy to promote the safety of buildings and homes affected by earthquakes. This measure was adopted following the seismic events which struck several regions of Italy, causing considerable damage and loss of life.

sismabonus jelovica


The sismabonus provides tax incentives to people who decide to carry out renovation or seismic improvement work in their homes. Permitted interventions concern, for example, the construction of structural consolidation works, the safety of electrical and plumbing systems, the installation of seismic protection systems, and the replacement of damaged roofs and facades.

Benefits of Sismabonus:

The benefits for customers who join sismabonus are manifold. Firstly, they can benefit from a tax deduction of up to 110% of the costs incurred for seismic adaptation work. This means that, in addition to deducting the actual cost of the intervention, it is possible to obtain a further tax relief of 10% of the amount invested.
Secondly, thanks to the sismabonus, homeowners can increase the value of their homes, making them safer and more attractive on the real estate market. In addition, safety measures contribute to the overall improvement of living conditions, providing greater protection for residents and reducing the risks associated with future seismic events.
Finally, it is important to stress that sismabonus does not only concern private dwellings, but can also be extended to condominium buildings, commercial activities and public facilities. In this way, the aim is to ensure greater security not only for individual families but also for communities as a whole.
In conclusion, the sismabonus represents a concrete opportunity to improve the security of Italian buildings and homes, mitigating the risks related to earthquakes. Tax incentives and related benefits make it easier for customers to adapt to seismic events and add value to their properties.


The company Jelovica houses Slovenia has been selling its houses in earthquake-affected areas for many years. Our clients usually have homes that have already collapsed or are about to collapse and are therefore no longer habitable. That’s why they order us new houses, the same architecture as the previous ones, but anti-seismic, and they place them on the site of their old house.

More information: Agenzia delle entrate

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Horvatin

casa jelovica

Partner testimonials of Jelovica – Realty Greenbuilding

My biggest problem was finding a supplier of good quality and good price-certified chassis systems. After much research, I found many dealers but few element factories and very few advanced raw prefabricated elements. That’s why I decided to go and see foreign suppliers as well.

testimonianze bioedilizia

Marko Hrovatin (Jelovica bioedilizia) eand Giovanni Gatto – Realty  (Italia)

I am an entrepreneur and I have a one-person construction company – Realty Bioedilizia. My job consists of ordering prefabricated elements for houses, arranging transport, assembling, and other building suppliers, in order to sell the final customer an energy-efficient house. That’s why I need reliable partners with decades of experience in the field who can help me in my work.

I chose Jelovica as a supplier because it has a history of over 100 years. It facilitates my work and speeds it up because they make prefabricated elements with advanced raw materials; therefore also with insulation, coats, fixtures, and blinds. So I can order more than half of the house from a single supplier and deliver it to the customer faster. Many have told me that companies from abroad do not have the certificates to work in Italy and do not know our language. With Jelovica houses I felt good because working all over Europe they have all the certificates I need. It helps me because they respond quickly to my needs and also because I can easily work with them because all correspondence is in Italian. Today I am happy with my decision and I can say that I have been working with them for over 10 years.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

Green star Slovenia

Green Star Certificate Jelovica Houses Slovenia

Jelovica has been one of the most sustainable companies in Slovenia for decades. The company’s strategy itself is based on the production of sustainable and energy-efficient products in the form of state-of-the-art wooden villas and buildings that are both energy-efficient.

Jelovica, as the first Slovenian recipient of the Green Star certificate, is believed to be improving the environment and quality of life through its operations. At the same time, receiving the certificate also confirms that the company is ambitious and successful in achieving global sustainability and climate neutrality goals. Jelovica Houses has earned the prestigious title of the first green star of the Slovenian economy, as it leads by example in the successful green transformation.


In recent years, we have enhanced the company’s sustainability efforts by creating a modern, completely energy-self-sufficient factory. When we introduced the latest technological equipment, we paid great attention to energy-saving measures, as well as our energy production. Today we ourselves produce all the energy necessary for the production of prefabricated buildings at our headquarters with the help of water, sun, and woody biomass. The numerous awards received, to which we are the first in Slovenia to add the Green Star certificate, confirm our pioneering role in this field.


Sustainability has been part of our strategic directions for decades, which define that the company produces only energy-saving and sustainable products in the form of state-of-the-art energy-saving facilities. By receiving the Green Star certificate, Jelovica has once again strengthened its position as a leading exporter of low-energy prefabricated buildings to the most demanding European markets. There is no doubt that Jelovica, as the first Slovenian to receive the Green Star certificate, will become even more recognizable as a leading Slovenian company in the field of sustainability, in addition to its more than century-old tradition.

Innovation and providing the highest quality technological products to our customers has been our commitment for 115 years and we will continue to do so in the future. At the same time, we will strive to include all our suppliers and partners in the global mindset of sustainable orientation.





Green Star is the first certificate for sustainable business and climate action in Slovenia, showing where an individual company is on the path to green transformation. The basis for issuing the Green Star certificate is the Green Star ESG rating in the field of sustainable business and climate action, which is based on international frameworks and standards for sustainable reporting and EU legislation.

Evaluates the impact of management, environmental and societal factors on the company and its footprint, as well as the company’s impact on the environment, climate and society. This way, among other things, companies can see how ambitious their set goals are and whether they are acting in accordance with measures and activities aimed at closing the gap towards climate neutrality.

They also write about us in the newspaper FINANCE.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

terremoto case in legno

Earthquake resistant wooden houses

This time we will talk about the earthquake safety of the prefabricated house, which is also one of the key factors in choosing a house in which you want to live safely. In the design and static calculations of each prefabricated wooden house, it is recommended to take into account the seismic load. Consequently, it is necessary to design the prefabricated house that is most resistant to seismic risk. Prefabricated house stress relief safety information is especially important for the buyer when installing a prefabricated house in a seismically threatened area.

casa in legno jelovcia slovenia


The task of a wooden frame structure is the transfer of vertical loads. The horizontal load, which includes earthquake and wind, is carried by cladding plates (gypsum board, particle board), which are attached to the mechanical means of the frame. Therefore, with the correct design of the wooden frame and panel coverings, the seismic resistance of prefabricated structures can be guaranteed. Of course, the characteristics and behavior of timber frame structures during earthquakes cannot be generalized to all prefabricated houses, since each of them has a different construction system, various materials, and mechanical binders.

In the case of anti-stress safety, the resistances are among the advantages of a prefabricated house that responds better to seismic stress. The secret lies in wood which, unlike concrete or brick, at the expense of its greater elasticity (a larger modulus of elasticity) responds much better to shaking off the ground. Timber is much more tolerant of tensile or compressive loading over bending force, which arises as a result of ground movement in the earthquake.


Anti-seismic test of the wooden house.


The next key factor, that makes prefabricated houses respond better to earthquakes, is its weight in the building structure. Also in this sector, there are the advantages of prefabricated houses: the wooden structure is up to 5 times lighter than brick houses. For this reason, the horizontal earthquake force is considerably smaller in the mounting house.

So to summarize, wooden houses are designed to resist earthquakes, and can even resist up to 9 Richter scale. They are used around the world because they weigh less than traditional buildings and because they are more flexible to earthquake movements.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

apartment building Slovenia Jelovica

Cosa potete comprare da noi?

La Jelovica case siamo un’azienda fornitrice di sistemi prefabbricati al grezzo avanzato. Nei mercati internazionali lavoriamo tramite aziende partner edili locali, che comprano i nostri prefabbricati e gli vendono ai clienti finali come case chiavi in mano.


I nostri partner esteri sono principalmente aziende edili o studi di ingegneria. Dipende anche molto dalla nazione, diciamo in Italia lavoriamo molto con aziende edili, invece in Svizzera con i studi di architettura. Comunque siamo una azienda orrientata verso la vendita ad altre aziende nel settore edile, e non vendiamo ai clienti finali. Questo perché ogni paese ha le sue regole, in Italia succede che anche ogni regione ha delle regole specifiche che possono essere diverse dalle regole nazionali. Quindi per dare un prodotto sicuro al cliente finale e essere al passo con le leggi, ci appoggiamo a professionisti del settore. Anche riguardo alla statica e il montaggio sono idealizzate sullo stesso concetto. Qua anche lavoriamo con aziende italiane che sanno tutte le regole del settore e i nostri partne spossono facilmente comunicare con loro. Tutto predisposto nel modo che le aziende con le quali lavoriamo hanno un prodotto ottimo.

Cosa forniamo alle aziende edili e cosa ci aspettiamo che i nostri partner sanno fare nei mercati internazionali?

Le case in legno sono tutte fatte su progetti indivuduali e la fornitura e composta da:

  10. PROGETTAZIONE (clicca)
  11. TRASPORTO (clicca)

La statica delle case in legno e il trasporto si pagano apparte alle aziende che collaborano con noi.


Ai clienti finali suggeriamo di mandarci i documenti necessari che hanno a disposizione e la zona nella quale vogliono montare la casa. Vedendo i progetti e la zona di montaggio, provvediamo a mandarli alle aziende partner più vicine alla zona del cliente finale. Se nella zona non ci sono partner, non possiamo fornire i sistemi in legno prefabbricati.

timberframe case in legno

Per sapere di più, cliccate sul link:


Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

Fire safety of wooden houses


People fear the combination of wood and fire for good reason. Historically wood has been the primary building material in many places around the world; entire cities were built of wood. The archives contain many documents relating to cities that were burned to the ground at different points in time; in densely built cities, fire could quickly jump from building to building. This memory is deeply rooted in people’s minds even today and is not let go so easily.

Biases are not only harsh, but they are also unfair in wood construction. Various in-depth research and analysis have revealed that the majority of wood fires occur in abandoned or derelict houses, cottages, or garden sheds, rather than in modern buildings. Old buildings were not built with precautionary measures for fire safety and people often act recklessly and recklessly without considering the fire risk factor. For example, Northern European countries even build wooden residential buildings up to 300 m! This testifies that wood is a fire-safe material. And more and more European countries are starting to make wooden skyscrapers.


For the wooden structure to catch fire, it requires the so-called magic triangle – three main components. The first component is the fuel: in this case the wood itself. The second component is oxygen or oxidant which allows the combustion of a flame. The last component is an ignition source, which can be anything from a candle in a Christmas tree or a fault in an electrical installation. We encounter the combination of the first two components every day. An important factor in the fire safety of wood is its moisture levels. Wood absorbs moisture from its surroundings and releases moisture back into the environment. The wood is never completely dry. The unique property of wood is a beneficial factor for fire safety.

Compared to metal buildings, metal is an excellent conductor of heat and heats up very quickly. When it reaches 300-400 degrees, it deforms and the construction fails. Wooden buildings, on the other hand, can withstand higher temperatures. During wildfires, when temperatures reach 1.000 degrees, the inside of a wood building will never reach more than 100 degrees as long as the interior layers of wood maintain moisture. This makes a wooden house safer for evacuation in the event of an accident, and the fire can be extinguished, preserving the construction of the building.


R = Cargo carrying capacity. The time in which the relevant structural element is capable of supporting the current load in a normal stage of fire development.

E = integrity. The length of time the structure maintains its integrity against flames or hot gases in a standard fire.

I = isolation. The time required to produce a temperature increase on the cold side of the structural member.


REI test results are obtained in the form of a timestamp indicating how many minutes the structural element resists fire before the threshold for each criterion is exceeded. If the product meets the requirements for class REI 60, the result means that the structural element can resist fire for one hour depending on load capacity, integrity and insulation. The insulation capacity is determined by the temperature on the opposite side if the fire temperature is not allowed to rise above 140 degrees. In some cases, additional criteria can be included in the classification.



100 mm external insulation PVC
16 mm wood-cement board
140 mm stone wool
140 mm timber-frame
0,25 mm vapor foil
12 mm wood-cement board
12,5 mm gypsum board


The supplier prepares an external wall from the specifications listed above, 2,920 mm long and 3,000 mm high. A branch with the respective corrugated pipes is also placed into the wall. A load with a value of 35kN/m is placed on the upper part of the wall. The wall remains in the laboratory for 11 days, with a temperature of 18 degrees and relative humidity of 60%. After this period, the wall is placed in a kind of large oven. Temperature and load detectors are placed on the wall. The oven is turned on at around 300 degrees and the temperature rises to more than 1,000 degrees. The test begins when the temperature reaches 300 degrees. If the wall passes 90 min of load bearing in this kind of rife, then acquire the REI90 certificate. The total cost of a test for a single prefabricated timber frame wall is approximately 5,000 euros.


Down in the image, we ca see the wall at the beginning of laboratory tests with temperature and load sensors.

Oven with wooden wall inside subjected to more than 1,000 degrees.

The end of the fire test stopped after 91 minutes.


  • The wall has received the REI90 certificate.
  • The wall is still load-bearing. It can support 3,700 kg after 91 minutes of exposure to fire.
  • The fire did not penetrate to the other side.
  • The temperature on the side not exposed to the fire was 49 degrees, while on the exposed side, it was 1,025 degrees!
Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin