Partner testimonials of Jelovica – Realty Greenbuilding



Partner testimonials of Jelovica – Realty Greenbuilding

23. 05. 2023

My biggest problem was finding a supplier of good quality and good price-certified chassis systems. After much research, I found many dealers but few element factories and very few advanced raw prefabricated elements. That’s why I decided to go and see foreign suppliers as well.

testimonianze bioedilizia

Marko Hrovatin (Jelovica bioedilizia) eand Giovanni Gatto – Realty  (Italia)

I am an entrepreneur and I have a one-person construction company – Realty Bioedilizia. My job consists of ordering prefabricated elements for houses, arranging transport, assembling, and other building suppliers, in order to sell the final customer an energy-efficient house. That’s why I need reliable partners with decades of experience in the field who can help me in my work.

I chose Jelovica as a supplier because it has a history of over 100 years. It facilitates my work and speeds it up because they make prefabricated elements with advanced raw materials; therefore also with insulation, coats, fixtures, and blinds. So I can order more than half of the house from a single supplier and deliver it to the customer faster. Many have told me that companies from abroad do not have the certificates to work in Italy and do not know our language. With Jelovica houses I felt good because working all over Europe they have all the certificates I need. It helps me because they respond quickly to my needs and also because I can easily work with them because all correspondence is in Italian. Today I am happy with my decision and I can say that I have been working with them for over 10 years.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin