Tag Archive for: case in legno

apartment building Slovenia Jelovica

Cosa potete comprare da noi?

La Jelovica case siamo un’azienda fornitrice di sistemi prefabbricati al grezzo avanzato. Nei mercati internazionali lavoriamo tramite aziende partner edili locali, che comprano i nostri prefabbricati e gli vendono ai clienti finali come case chiavi in mano.


I nostri partner esteri sono principalmente aziende edili o studi di ingegneria. Dipende anche molto dalla nazione, diciamo in Italia lavoriamo molto con aziende edili, invece in Svizzera con i studi di architettura. Comunque siamo una azienda orrientata verso la vendita ad altre aziende nel settore edile, e non vendiamo ai clienti finali. Questo perché ogni paese ha le sue regole, in Italia succede che anche ogni regione ha delle regole specifiche che possono essere diverse dalle regole nazionali. Quindi per dare un prodotto sicuro al cliente finale e essere al passo con le leggi, ci appoggiamo a professionisti del settore. Anche riguardo alla statica e il montaggio sono idealizzate sullo stesso concetto. Qua anche lavoriamo con aziende italiane che sanno tutte le regole del settore e i nostri partne spossono facilmente comunicare con loro. Tutto predisposto nel modo che le aziende con le quali lavoriamo hanno un prodotto ottimo.

Cosa forniamo alle aziende edili e cosa ci aspettiamo che i nostri partner sanno fare nei mercati internazionali?

Le case in legno sono tutte fatte su progetti indivuduali e la fornitura e composta da:

  10. PROGETTAZIONE (clicca)
  11. TRASPORTO (clicca)

La statica delle case in legno e il trasporto si pagano apparte alle aziende che collaborano con noi.


Ai clienti finali suggeriamo di mandarci i documenti necessari che hanno a disposizione e la zona nella quale vogliono montare la casa. Vedendo i progetti e la zona di montaggio, provvediamo a mandarli alle aziende partner più vicine alla zona del cliente finale. Se nella zona non ci sono partner, non possiamo fornire i sistemi in legno prefabbricati.

timberframe case in legno

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Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

Categories of wooden houses in Europe


When we talk about wooden houses, many different types come to mind, from the very small wooden houses used in the garden to the architecturally avant-garde villas. Wood is a sustainable material, a renewable resource (usually from reforestation), and does not require the combustion of fossil fuels during its production. As a building material, it is really fashionable in recent years and you can build many types of wooden houses.


case in legno prefabbricate slovenia

Example of a timberframe house. Jelovica.com

telaio timberfram legno slovenia

Example of af an external wall in a timber frame. Jelovica.com

This type of wooden house is the most used in the world. It consists in connecting the wooden beams in the way of constructing a frame wall. The wood usually used is timber. The insulation, usually rock wool, is then placed in the frame. From the outside, it can be finished like a normal house: plaster, stone facade, or wooden facade. On the inside, it is painted with wall plaster. In Europe, it is widespread in northern parts, mainly in Germany, Sweden, and Norway. But in recent years, they have also seen very strong growth in the markets of Southern Europe, among which Italy is one of the most prominent.
An evolution of this system is the factories of frame walls, which are built it in closed and controlled environments. These walls are later referred to as “prefabricated timber-frame elements”.


casa in xlam slovenia

Example of a x-lam house. Jelovica.com

xlam slovenia

example of an external wall in X-lam. Jelovica.com

Became popular in Europe and gradually attracted the attention of the rest of the world; X-lam or Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) stands out for strength, appearance, versatility, and sustainability.
The material consists of boards (or slats) of timber, glued, and laminated wood, in which each layer is oriented perpendicular to the previous one (X design). By joining layers of wood at perpendicular angles, the structural rigidity of the panel is achieved in both directions, similar to plywood but with thicker components. In this way, the panel has a high tensile and compressive strength.
Material widely used in recent years to make buildings of 4 floors more. There are even 20-storey projects already!



Chalet. Treelinechalets.com

This type of construction also called solid wood frame consists only of wooden logs. Insulation is generally very effective; with good moisture stability. Air renewal is, of course, good. Very suitable for cottage-type buildings or construction kits, this method is not used when large openings are required.


casetta da giardino

Example of a wooden garden house. Eternaparquet.com

They are small wooden prefabrications, generally smaller than 10m2. Usually, they are already sold whole or as an assembly kit. They usually have very competitive prices, because they are usually made in factories.


glamping slovenia fornitori

Example of a Glamping. Jelovica.com

They are wooden camping houses, which offer more comfort than tents. They are usually made in the frame system.


In Jelovica we can deliver high-quality timber-frame or Xlam villas. We don’t sell Cottages, garden houses or Galmpins.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

casa in legno Slovenia Jelovica

6 reasons why choose a wooden house



Wood is an ecological and sustainable material. And it’s also a truly renewable building material. Its sustainability is unsurpassed! Spruce forests grow faster than wood is used by most major lumber-supplying countries, which have long-standing policies to regrow more wood than is felled.

case in legno slovenia



Wood helps minimize energy consumption in several ways. In terms of embodied energy, which is understood as the total energy necessary to extract, process, produce, transport, build, and maintain a material or product, life cycle assessment studies of green building houses demonstrate that a structure in wood significantly outperforms steel and concrete.
Wood also has better insulating properties: 400 times better than steel and 15 times better than concrete. Wood’s cellular structure contains air pockets, which limit its ability to conduct heat and help minimize the energy needed to heat and cool our eco-friendly wood homes while providing energy-efficient homes.



Good quality custom-built log homes achieve the highest levels of energy efficiency due to outstanding insulation quality and heat retention. Furthermore, to achieve human well-being the high surface temperature of the wood allows an air temperature 2°C lower than in a traditional house.
Wood is a building material with a positive CO2 balance and requires less primary energy during construction. Wood uses solar energy to grow and store large amounts of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. One cubic meter of wood therefore blocks approximately one ton of harmful greenhouse gases. At least another ton is saved when using wood instead of other building materials.



Living and working in eco-friendly wooden houses means being in a pleasant and healthy environment. Timber is diffusible and hygroscopic. It filters the air and therefore provides a fresh and healthy climate. It has humidity-regulating properties that have positive effects on the atmospheric conditions of a room.
Wood smells good, looks beautiful, and feels good and therefore has a positive effect on our well-being. Wood positively affects all human senses.



Considering the relationship between people, material and the environment is of the utmost importance when building a house. Using wood as the main building material is the right choice with its endless design possibilities, as well as unmatched physical and technical properties for a wood frame house.
You can choose your custom-made wooden house for your specific needs and adapt it to the place where it will be built.



Today we applying cutting-edge manufacturing methods to fabricate custom timber frame homes in a safe and secure environment using high-quality timber harvested from certified, sustainable forests. Modern technology, certified and monitored production and construction methods allow for very quick assembly in a matter of working days with great advantages including weather independence, less disturbance of neighbors, no waste materials on site, and – the biggest everyone’s advantage – completion of the houses in a very short time. Thats why our standard delivery time is between 3 and 5 months.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

montaggio bioedilizia case in legno

How do you prepare a building site for timber frame houses?



Even prefabricated houses need a cement foundation to support themselves. The foundation can be made in different ways, usually, it is made of reinforced concrete. The foundation must dry well before assembly, so we suggest that it is finished at least 28 days earlier. That’s why I usually ask the end customer to provide me with photographic documentation.
The size of the foundation is indicated on the project, but we know that in reality there are always discrepancies.

The maximum height tolerance for the stalls is +/- 1cm. This is because the prefabricated walls are attached to the foundation with anchors and they have statically limits in height. It is also important that the foundation is waterproofed!

platea casa in legno

Reinforced concrete foundation with scaffolding.


It is very important that when trucks with walls arrive at the construction site, they have space to maneuver and park the closest to the foundation of the house being assembled. The trucks usually used for transport are truck size: 15m length. So we suggest ensuring a minimum passage height of 4. 20m, width 3. 20m and length 16m.

Remove or move any obstructions such as electricity or telephone cables, trees, and shrubs to leave enough space for trucks and also for wall or roof storage.
I would also remind you that trucks can weigh up to 24 tonnes, so the ground must already be prepared for these heavy goods vehicles. It’s usually done under a gravel pitch.

montaggio case in legno prefabbricato

Road closure and assembly with crane.


For lifting the prefabricated timber frame elements, which can weigh up to 2 tons, you will need a crane. You can use a construction crane or even a crane truck. The 15-metre long arm must have a capacity of at least 2 tonnes, although this is very much dependent on the project in question. If there is a construction crane provide solid support on the ground.


Along with the walls, ceilings, and roof, the house is also provided with many building elements, for which it is necessary to provide space where to place them. For this reason, we suggest having a place near the stage prepared to support elements at least 14m long and at least 6m wide. We also suggest that this soil be either crushed gravel or concrete. If there is a road nearby and the customer does not have the necessary space for support or the parking of the truck, the road must be closed in time for the assembly to take place.

timberframe case in legnoBuilding materials in different parts of the construction site.


The territory around the building shall be fenced. This is a mandatory requirement to guarantee occupational safety. The height shall be at least 2 metres and the gates necessary for the passage of heavy goods vehicles shall also be provided.


The prefabricated wooden houses can be assembled all months of the year. Sometimes it happens that it may rain or snow during assembly. In these cases, it is necessary to stop the assembly and close the elements with suitable sheets.

case in legno sloveniaCovering with PVC sheets of prefabricated walls during rain.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

Anchoring systems in wooden construction


Many people ask what type of anchors we use and how we fix the timber-frame walls to the base plate. Below I’ll explain how we do it.
Before assembling the wall elements it is necessary to check that the base plate is of suitable size and with an appropriate leveling of +/-1 cm. To level the base, plastic spacer tiles with a thickness of 2, 3, or 10 mm are used. The points where the wall elements will be installed must be waterproofed. The plastic tiles are glued to the base with silicone putty.

statica jelovica case in legno


The plastic tiles are placed at a distance of 60–70 cm, and an expansive cement is applied between the tiles, filling the space between the wall element and the base plate. If the difference in height of the base exceeds 3 cm it is necessary to level the base plate.

platea casa in legno


For one house, 120–180 kg of concrete is usually planned (depending on the size of the house and the flatness of the foundation).

montaggio pareti a telaio


The assembly of the elements of a prefab wooden house is carried out with the aid of a mobile crane. The elements are screwed together with M12×100 mm bolts (corresponding washers 60 mm, thickness 4 mm) and in some cases with wooden screws (SLV 10×160 mm or 10×200 mm depending on the thickness of the wooden frame that we fix) when the interlocking coupling is not possible.

The prefab elements are anchored to the foundation using corner brackets or galvanized ring nails (4 × 60 mm) – 12 galvanized/corner nails, i.e. according to the static calculation, and tension anchors M12×106 mm – as standard 2 anchors/corner or 1 special anchor/angle.

Below we can see some examples.


ancoraggio parete timberframe legno


ancoraggio parete interna legno sistemi ancoraggio Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin

case prefabricate in legno jelovica slovenia

Prefabricated wooden house or traditional house?


According to statistics from international manufacturers, interest in prefabricated wooden houses has increased by a third in the last decade. We are increasingly appreciated by people and the awareness that assembly construction in terms of technology and materials has made so much progress. The prefabricated house is energy-saving and economical, and at the same time pleasant to live in.

The main advantages of the prefabricated wooden house in front of the classic brick building are higher energy efficiency and low consumption costs, living comfort, natural materials, and fast construction. In the case of a prefabricated wooden house, more things need to be done at the design stage, i.e. earlier than in the case of conventional constructions, but during construction, there are fewer surprises and unforeseen situations. Particular attention should be paid to guided construction for a previously known price, where one company coordinates all operators and ultimately ensures execution. The advantage is also the greater use of space because the average house has more internal surfaces by at least 10 square meters due to thinner external walls but with the same external dimensions as traditional construction.


  • Quick assembly: Regardless of the prefabricated building system – skeletal or panel – the house is generally assembled within approximately 1 month, from the delivery.
  • Use of natural materials: Wood better regulates humidity in the space and is a six times better insulator than brick and 15 times better than concrete, which affects the amount of heating costs.
  • Sustainable aspect: Wood has the smallest carbon footprint of all building materials.
  • Seismic safety: The construction of a prefabricated wooden house is very sensitive to seismic loading and transmits many overloads.
  • Fire safety: wood preserves stability for a longer time than concrete, steel, and brick. The fire begins to eat its structure, it can burn two centimeters, and the deeper fire does not penetrate due to lack of oxygen.
  • Stability: wind resistance is ensured by correctly connected elements, an anchored structure, and correctly attached plates.

Despite the many advantages of prefab wooden houses, they are still accompanied by many prejudices. For example, people are mainly concerned with flood and fire safety and protecting wood from pests. Since most materials are waterproof, the surfaces dry quickly. There is also a concern for fire safety, since the double-wall cladding of gypsum-based panels with good insulation guarantees fire resistance for up to 90 minutes. As for pest control, no special protection is required, since the wood itself is heat treated, so the use of substances that are harmful and dangerous to health would be meaningless.


Home construction is extremely challenging and demanding and requires the investor to constantly monitor and organize the workers, which represents a significant challenge to the fast pace of life. In addition, the vast majority of the new house owners order the house for the first time and have no experience or verified interpreters.  That’s why is not surprising that new owners prefer to order “turnkey” options. The advantage of such a decision is also that the manufacturer guarantees the final quality of the structure.

The prefabricated house is much faster than bricklaying – about a year after taking into account the time for collecting permits, carrying out procedures, and construction. In the case of turnkey finishing, it can be moved in about five or six months from the start of construction, depending on the manufacturer. Most of the work is done before construction begins, in production, where the house is usually built in a few weeks, the construction itself is completed in a few days, followed by other finishing works.



  • The tendency to overheat: despite this, wood has good thermal properties.
  • Sensitivity of wood and thermal insulation to rain– this is a problem, especially in bad weather during assembly, until the house is covered with roofing.
  • Architectural constraints: The range of wooden beams is relatively limited, so large open spaces cannot be created easily. In these cases, we have to use steel beams.


The prices of prefabricated houses are completely comparable to those of classic construction, but obviously, the offers vary. Some manufacturers promise at least 15% more favorable prices than similar brick houses, while others claim that they are classically built and somehow cheaper than prefabricated ones. The fact is that the price of a house built in comparison with the assembly in a comparable energy standard is the same or slightly higher, and the price difference between the cheapest and average savings is estimated by manufacturers at around 5%.

What about the consumption of the prefabricated house compared to the classic new building? On average, most houses built with classic heating consume about 150 kWh / m2 per year, while low prefabricated energy consuming less than 35 kWh per square meter, passive or even less than 15 kWh / m2. Assuming that the newly built house, 150 square meters in the facade of 15 inches of polystyrene, PVC windows, the roof 25 inches of insulation, heating is a gas boiler condensing and without ventilation, the difference in energy costs after manufacturers’ estimates of at least EUR 1.000 per year. On the energy consumption of the house, in addition to the type of construction and heating methods the living habits of the residents are also significantly influenced.

Marko Hrovatin

Marko Hrovatin